What is the Collective Noun for Economists

Ever wondered what a group of economists is called? Economists study how money, goods, and resources are used, and when they come together to work or share ideas, there’s a special name for their group. Let’s learn about the collective noun for economists and explore other collective nouns used for different professions!

Collective Nouns for Economists and More

People TypeCollective Noun

1. Panel (for Economists)

A “panel” is a group of experts, such as economists, who gather to discuss, debate, or provide advice on economic matters. It’s a common term used for groups of professionals in decision-making roles.


  • The panel of economists met to discuss the country’s inflation problems.
  • A panel of leading economists shared their predictions for the upcoming year’s economy.
  • The government consulted a panel of economists before making important financial decisions.

2. Team (for Scientists)

A “team” is a group of scientists working together on experiments or research to make discoveries or solve problems.


  • The team of scientists developed a new medicine after years of research.
  • A team of scientists explored the depths of the ocean to study marine life.
  • The laboratory hired a new team of scientists to work on environmental projects.

3. Parliament (for Politicians)

A “parliament” is the name used for a group of politicians or lawmakers, often in a country’s governing body.


  • The parliament gathered to vote on the new law about education reforms.
  • Every member of the parliament had the chance to speak during the debate.
  • The parliament passed a bill that would benefit small businesses.

4. Quill (for Writers)

A “quill” is a creative collective noun used to describe a group of writers, referring to the traditional writing tool of a feather quill.


  • The quill of writers met at the literary festival to share their latest works.
  • A quill of authors joined forces to write a new collection of short stories.
  • Each member of the quill contributed a chapter to the collaborative novel.

5. Expedition (for Explorers)

An “expedition” refers to a group of explorers who embark on a journey to discover new places or conduct important research in remote areas.


  • The expedition of explorers set out to climb the highest mountain in the region.
  • A historic expedition of explorers crossed the desert in search of ancient ruins.
  • The expedition gathered at the base camp to prepare for their Arctic journey.


Collective nouns make our language richer and more interesting, especially when describing groups of professionals. For economists, we use the word “panel” to describe their gatherings, similar to how we use “team” for scientists or “parliament” for politicians. Next time you see a group of professionals like economists or writers working together, you’ll know exactly what to call them! Understanding these special words adds color to the way we describe the world around us.

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