What is the Collective Noun for Directors

Directors play an important role in leading organizations, film sets, or events. But what do you call a group of directors when they come together? Just like with other professions, there’s a special collective noun for directors. Let’s find out what it is, and explore other interesting collective nouns for different people!

Collective Nouns for Directors and More

People TypeCollective Noun

1. Board (for Directors)

A “board” is the term used to describe a group of directors, especially in a business or organization. These directors oversee the company’s operations and make important decisions.


  • The board of directors met to discuss the company’s future strategy.
  • Each member of the board had a say in deciding the new CEO of the company.
  • The board gathered in the conference room to vote on the annual budget.

2. Convocation (for Lawyers)

A “convocation” refers to a formal assembly of lawyers or legal professionals, often for official or ceremonial purposes.


  • The convocation of lawyers gathered for the annual law conference.
  • A convocation of distinguished lawyers was called to discuss changes in legal policies.
  • The courtroom was filled with a convocation of legal experts during the important case.

3. Choir (for Singers)

A “choir” is the collective noun used for a group of singers, typically performing together in harmony in churches, concerts, or other performances.


  • The choir sang beautifully during the holiday concert.
  • A large choir of singers performed at the school’s graduation ceremony.
  • The choir rehearsed their songs every week for the big performance.

4. Batch (for Bakers)

A “batch” refers to a group of bakers working together or the collection of goods (like bread or cakes) they produce at once.


  • The batch of bakers prepared dozens of cakes for the community bake sale.
  • In the bakery, the batch of bakers worked tirelessly to meet the holiday demand.
  • The batch of freshly baked bread was displayed in the window.

5. Scalpel (for Surgeons)

A “scalpel” is a creative collective noun used to describe a group of surgeons, inspired by the tool they commonly use in their profession.


  • The scalpel of surgeons worked together to perform a complex operation.
  • After the successful surgery, the scalpel of doctors discussed the patient’s recovery plan.
  • A scalpel of surgeons from across the world met at the medical conference.


Collective nouns add flair to our language and help us describe groups of professionals in a unique way. For directors, the collective noun is “board,” symbolizing their role in decision-making for companies and organizations. Whether it’s a choir of singers, a batch of bakers, or a convocation of lawyers, each profession has its own special collective noun. Learning these words makes it easier to describe the world around us and adds some fun to our vocabulary!

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