Fascinating Collective Noun for Jackdaws

Jackdaws, with their glossy black feathers and curious nature, are a familiar sight in many parts of the world. These intelligent birds are known for their social behavior, often seen in flocks engaging in various activities. Just like other birds, jackdaws have unique collective nouns that describe their groups in colorful and imaginative ways. Let us dive into the world of jackdaws and explore the fascinating names used to describe their gatherings!

Table of Collective Nouns for Jackdaws

Collective Noun
A Clattering
A Train
A Clamour
A Plague
A Chatter

Detailed Explanations and Examples for Jackdaws

1. A Clattering

When jackdaws gather, their noisy, chattering sounds can be heard from a distance. This sound is often described as a “clattering,” making it a fitting term for a group of these birds.


  • As the sun set, a clattering of jackdaws filled the air with their distinctive calls.
  • The old tree was home to a clattering of jackdaws, their sounds echoing in the quiet evening.
  • Children watched in awe as a clattering of jackdaws took flight from the field.

2. A Train

Jackdaws often move together in a line or a loose formation, reminiscent of a train. This visual makes “a train of jackdaws” an apt description.


  • A train of jackdaws flew across the sky, heading towards the woods.
  • The farmer observed a train of jackdaws following each other through the fields.
  • On their way to roost, a train of jackdaws created a mesmerizing sight in the evening sky.

3. A Clamour

The loud and persistent noise made by a group of jackdaws can be described as a “clamour.” This collective noun captures the essence of their boisterous gatherings.


  • A clamour of jackdaws greeted the morning with their noisy chatter.
  • The park was lively with the presence of a clamour of jackdaws.
  • As they settled in for the night, a clamour of jackdaws created a raucous symphony.

4. A Plague

Sometimes, the large number of jackdaws in one area can be overwhelming, hence the term “a plague of jackdaws.” This term highlights the potentially overwhelming presence of these birds.


  • The town experienced a plague of jackdaws, filling the trees and rooftops.
  • Farmers were concerned about the plague of jackdaws in their fields.
  • A plague of jackdaws swooped down, covering the playground in seconds.

5. A Chatter

Jackdaws are known for their constant communication, making “a chatter” a perfect term to describe a group of these birds.


  • A chatter of jackdaws could be heard from the forest edge.
  • The garden was alive with the sound of a chatter of jackdaws.
  • Every morning, a chatter of jackdaws gathered on the school playground.


Learning about collective nouns for jackdaws helps us appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of these birds. Whether it’s a clattering, a train, a clamour, a plague, or a chatter, each term gives us a glimpse into the fascinating world of jackdaws and their social behavior. Next time you see a group of jackdaws, you’ll know exactly what to call them!


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