Exploring Collective Noun for Sparrows

Sparrows are small, charming birds that can be found in many parts of the world. Known for their lively chirps and social behavior, these birds often gather in groups. But did you know that groups of sparrows have their own special names? These unique collective nouns add an extra layer of interest to these delightful creatures. Let’s explore the different names used to describe groups of sparrows.

Collective Noun for Sparrows

Collective Noun

1. Host

Explanation: A host refers to a large group of sparrows. This term highlights the social nature of these birds as they gather in significant numbers.


  1. A host of sparrows descended on the park, filling the air with their cheerful chirping.
  2. The farmer was delighted to see a host of sparrows flitting about the fields.
  3. In the early morning, a host of sparrows gathered on the fence, greeting the new day.

2. Quarrel

Explanation: A quarrel describes a group of sparrows, emphasizing their sometimes noisy and argumentative interactions.


  1. A quarrel of sparrows could be heard chattering loudly in the bushes.
  2. The children laughed as they watched a quarrel of sparrows squabble over crumbs.
  3. Despite their small size, a quarrel of sparrows can create quite a commotion.

3. Knot

Explanation: A knot is a term for a group of sparrows that suggests a tight, compact gathering of these birds.


  1. We spotted a knot of sparrows huddled together on a branch.
  2. A knot of sparrows took shelter under the eaves during the rainstorm.
  3. The birdwatcher noted the intricate behavior of a knot of sparrows in her journal.

4. Crew

Explanation: A crew refers to a group of sparrows, highlighting their cooperative nature as they go about their daily activities.


  1. A crew of sparrows worked together to build their nests in the tree.
  2. The crew of sparrows was busy collecting food for their young.
  3. Watching a crew of sparrows forage for seeds was a delightful sight.

5. Flutter

Explanation: A flutter describes a group of sparrows in flight, capturing the light, airy movement of these birds.


  1. A flutter of sparrows took off suddenly, filling the sky with their graceful wings.
  2. The artist painted a beautiful scene of a flutter of sparrows soaring above a meadow.
  3. As the sun set, a flutter of sparrows returned to their roosts.


Learning about the unique collective nouns for sparrows adds depth to our understanding of these delightful birds. Whether it’s a host, quarrel, knot, crew, or flutter, each term provides a unique glimpse into the lives and behaviors of sparrows. Next time you see these charming birds gathered together, you’ll know exactly what to call them, enhancing your appreciation of the natural world.

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