Exploring Collective Noun for Ostriches

Ostriches are the largest birds in the world, known for their incredible speed and distinctive long necks. When ostriches gather in groups, there are special collective nouns to describe them. Today let us dive into the fascinating world of collective nouns used for ostriches.

Collective Noun for Ostriches

Collective Noun
A Flock of Ostriches
A Herd of Ostriches
A Troop of Ostriches
A Pride of Ostriches
A Raft of Ostriches

1. A Flock of Ostriches

Flock is the most commonly used collective noun for many bird species, including ostriches. It refers to a group of birds that move or feed together.

  • Example 1: A flock of ostriches grazed peacefully in the vast African savannah.
  • Example 2: We watched as a flock of ostriches ran across the open plain, their long legs moving swiftly.
  • Example 3: The guide pointed out a flock of ostriches resting in the shade of a large tree.

2. A Herd of Ostriches

Herd is a term often used for large animals like cattle or elephants, but it can also apply to ostriches, especially when they move together in large groups.

  • Example 1: A herd of ostriches moved in unison, their heads bobbing as they walked.
  • Example 2: The researchers observed a herd of ostriches migrating to a new feeding ground.
  • Example 3: As the sun set, a herd of ostriches gathered near the waterhole to drink.

3. A Troop of Ostriches

Troop is another collective noun that can be used for ostriches, particularly when referring to a group that travels or feeds together.

  • Example 1: A troop of ostriches roamed the grasslands, searching for food.
  • Example 2: The documentary featured a troop of ostriches moving together in the wild.
  • Example 3: We spotted a troop of ostriches heading towards the riverbank.

4. A Pride of Ostriches

Pride is typically associated with lions, but it can also describe a group of ostriches, emphasizing their majestic and proud appearance.

  • Example 1: A pride of ostriches strutted across the field, their feathers ruffling in the breeze.
  • Example 2: The photographer captured a stunning image of a pride of ostriches standing tall against the horizon.
  • Example 3: We admired the beauty of a pride of ostriches as they moved gracefully through the savannah.

5. A Raft of Ostriches

Raft is a less common but imaginative collective noun for ostriches, often used when they are seen standing or resting together, resembling a floating group.

  • Example 1: A raft of ostriches stood together, their long necks swaying in the wind.
  • Example 2: The farmer watched over a raft of ostriches resting in the midday heat.
  • Example 3: As we drove past, we noticed a raft of ostriches huddled close, seeking shade from the sun.


Ostriches are impressive and unique birds, and the collective nouns we use such as a flock, a herd, a troop, a pride, or a raft highlight different aspects of their behavior and appearance. Whether they are running across the plains in a herd or standing proudly in a flock, these terms help us appreciate the remarkable nature of ostriches. Learning these collective nouns not only enriches our vocabulary but also deepens our understanding of these extraordinary creatures.

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