Discovering the Unique Collective Noun for Swans

Swans are elegant and graceful birds, often seen gliding across lakes and ponds with a serene presence. Known for their striking beauty and strong pair bonds, these birds have captured the hearts of many. But did you know that groups of swans have their own special names? These unique collective nouns add an extra layer of fascination to these majestic creatures. Let’s explore the different names used to describe groups of swans.

Collective Noun for Swans

Collective Noun

1. Bevy

Explanation: A bevy refers to a group of swans, usually when they are on the ground or in the water. This term highlights the collective elegance of these birds.


  1. A bevy of swans glided gracefully across the tranquil lake.
  2. The photographer captured a stunning image of a bevy of swans resting by the shore.
  3. Tourists gathered to admire the bevy of swans swimming together in the park.

2. Bank

Explanation: A bank is used to describe a group of swans, often seen along the edges of a river or lake. This term emphasizes their communal resting spots.


  1. We spotted a bank of swans nestled along the riverbank.
  2. The bank of swans created a picturesque scene against the backdrop of the setting sun.
  3. A bank of swans gathered to preen and rest on the grassy shore.

3. Exaltation

Explanation: An exaltation refers to a group of swans in flight. This poetic term captures the uplifting and majestic sight of swans soaring through the sky.


  1. An exaltation of swans flew overhead, their wings beating in perfect harmony.
  2. Witnessing an exaltation of swans during their migration was an unforgettable experience.
  3. The sky was filled with the graceful forms of an exaltation of swans at dawn.

4. Wedge

Explanation: A wedge describes a group of swans flying in a V-formation, similar to other large birds. This term emphasizes their coordinated and aerodynamic flight pattern.


  1. A wedge of swans flew in perfect formation, heading south for the winter.
  2. The children watched in awe as a wedge of swans passed overhead.
  3. Spotting a wedge of swans in the sky is a sure sign of seasonal change.

5. Herd

Explanation: Herd is a less common term for a group of swans, emphasizing their social nature when gathered in large numbers.


  1. A herd of swans gathered at the far end of the lake.
  2. The park ranger explained how the herd of swans worked together to protect their young.
  3. Observing a herd of swans interacting was a peaceful and serene experience.


Learning about the unique collective nouns for swans adds depth to our understanding and appreciation of these magnificent birds. Whether it’s a bevy, bank, exaltation, wedge, or herd, each term provides a unique glimpse into the lives and behaviors of swans. Next time you encounter these elegant creatures, you’ll know exactly what to call them, enriching your experience and knowledge of the natural world.

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