Discovering Collective Noun for Wasps

Wasps are fascinating insects known for their striking appearance and often fearsome reputation. They play a crucial role in ecosystems as pollinators and predators of other insects. But did you know that groups of wasps have their own special names? These unique collective nouns add an extra layer of interest to these remarkable creatures. Let’s explore the different names used to describe groups of wasps.

Collective Noun for Wasps

Collective Noun

1. Nest

Explanation: A nest refers to a group of wasps living together in a single structure. This term highlights their cooperative behavior in building and maintaining their home.


  1. A nest of wasps hung from the eaves of the old barn.
  2. The gardener carefully avoided the nest of wasps in the hedge.
  3. Inside the hollow tree, a nest of wasps buzzed with activity.

2. Swarm

Explanation: A swarm describes a group of wasps flying together, often in search of a new nesting site. This term emphasizes their dynamic and sometimes aggressive movement.


  1. A swarm of wasps filled the air near the picnic area, causing everyone to retreat.
  2. We watched a swarm of wasps as they moved from tree to tree.
  3. The sudden appearance of a swarm of wasps created a buzz of excitement.

3. Colony

Explanation: A colony refers to a large, organized group of wasps living and working together. This term underscores their social structure and division of labor.


  1. The biologist studied a colony of wasps to understand their social interactions.
  2. A colony of wasps can include hundreds of individuals working together.
  3. The colony of wasps built intricate combs within their nest.

4. Bike

Explanation: Bike is a less common but interesting term for a group of wasps, possibly derived from the buzzing sound they make, similar to the noise of a bike.


  1. We heard the bike of wasps before we saw them flying around the tree.
  2. The bike of wasps created a loud, droning sound as they flew past.
  3. Children watched in fascination as a bike of wasps hovered near the flowers.

5. Cluster

Explanation: A cluster describes a group of wasps gathered closely together, often seen when they are resting or feeding.


  1. A cluster of wasps gathered around the spilled soda on the ground.
  2. The researcher observed a cluster of wasps on the branch, sharing food.
  3. During the heat of the day, a cluster of wasps sought shade under the leaves.


Learning about the unique collective nouns for wasps enhances our understanding and appreciation of these industrious insects. Whether it’s a nest, swarm, colony, bike, or cluster, each term provides a unique glimpse into the lives and behaviors of wasps. Next time you encounter these remarkable creatures, you’ll know exactly what to call them, enriching your experience and knowledge of the natural world.

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