The Majestic World : Discovering Collective Noun for Peacocks

Peacocks are one of the most beautiful birds in the world, known for their stunning plumage and graceful displays. When these magnificent birds gather together, they form groups that have special names called collective nouns. Let’s explore the enchanting world of peacocks and discover the unique terms used to describe their groups.

Collective Noun for Peacocks

Collective Noun

1. Muster

A muster is a common term used for a group of peacocks. This term often refers to the gathering of peacocks for the purpose of displaying their feathers and socializing.


  1. A muster of peacocks strutted around the garden, showing off their colorful tail feathers.
  2. The peacocks formed a muster near the water fountain, attracting everyone’s attention.
  3. In the early morning, a muster of peacocks could be seen preening and calling to each other.

2. Ostentation

Ostentation is a fitting term for a group of peacocks, highlighting their showy and extravagant displays. Peacocks are known for their impressive and elaborate tail feathers, which they fan out in a grand display.


  1. An ostentation of peacocks paraded through the park, their feathers shimmering in the sunlight.
  2. The visitors were amazed by the ostentation of peacocks, each one more dazzling than the next.
  3. During the mating season, an ostentation of peacocks competed to impress the peahens with their beautiful displays.

3. Pride

A pride of peacocks emphasizes their regal and dignified appearance. Peacocks are often seen as symbols of beauty and pride, making this term particularly apt.


  1. The pride of peacocks roamed the palace grounds, adding a touch of elegance to the scenery.
  2. A pride of peacocks gathered under the shade of the trees, their vibrant feathers contrasting with the greenery.
  3. The proud leader of the pride displayed his magnificent tail feathers to the others.

4. Party

A party of peacocks suggests a festive and lively gathering. Peacocks are social birds that enjoy interacting with each other, often creating a colorful and joyous spectacle.


  1. A party of peacocks frolicked in the courtyard, delighting the onlookers with their playful antics.
  2. The garden was transformed into a vibrant scene by the arrival of a party of peacocks.
  3. Children watched in awe as a party of peacocks danced and displayed their feathers.

5. Pomp

Pomp is an elegant term that captures the grandeur and splendor of a group of peacocks. Their striking appearance and graceful movements make this a perfect description.


  1. The pomp of peacocks in the royal garden was a sight to behold.
  2. With their heads held high, the pomp of peacocks moved gracefully across the lawn.
  3. The elaborate courtship displays of the pomp of peacocks were mesmerizing.


Peacocks are truly majestic creatures, and their collective nouns reflect their beauty, elegance, and social nature. Whether it’s a muster, ostentation, pride, party, or pomp, each term gives us a glimpse into the extraordinary world of peacocks. By understanding these collective nouns we can better appreciate the splendor and charm of these remarkable birds as they grace their surroundings with their stunning presence.

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