Flock of Flamingos: Collective Noun for Flamingos

Flamingos are known for their striking pink feathers, long legs, and graceful movements. These birds are often seen in large groups, creating stunning visual displays in their natural habitats. In this article, we’ll explore the unique collective nouns used to describe groups of flamingos, shedding light on their social behaviors and the beauty they bring to their surroundings.

Collective Noun for Flamingos

Collective Noun
A Flamboyance of Flamingos
A Stand of Flamingos
A Colony of Flamingos
A Regiment of Flamingos
A Flock of Flamingos

1. A Flamboyance of Flamingos

Explanation: The word flamboyance captures the striking appearance and vivid colors of flamingos, reflecting their flamboyant nature in a group.


  • A flamboyance of flamingos created a pink sea as they waded through the shallow waters.
  • The tourists were amazed by the sight of a flamboyance of flamingos flying gracefully across the sky.
  • Wildlife photographers often seek out the vibrant spectacle of a flamboyance of flamingos during their migration.

2. A Stand of Flamingos

Explanation: Stand refers to the upright posture of flamingos when they are resting on one leg, a common sight that highlights their unique behavior.


  • A stand of flamingos stood quietly in the lagoon, resting and preening their feathers.
  • Birdwatchers observed a stand of flamingos at dawn, silhouetted against the rising sun.
  • In the nature reserve, a stand of flamingos could be seen from the observation deck.

3. A Colony of Flamingos

Explanation: Colony is used for groups of birds that live and breed together in large numbers, reflecting the communal nesting habits of flamingos.


  • A colony of flamingos built their nests on the sandy shores of the lake.
  • Conservationists worked to protect the habitat of a colony of flamingos during the breeding season.
  • A colony of flamingos can include thousands of birds, creating a bustling and noisy environment.

4. A Regiment of Flamingos

Explanation: The term regiment suggests an organized and disciplined group, often used in a military context. For flamingos, it highlights their coordinated movements and formations.


  • A regiment of flamingos moved in unison, creating stunning patterns on the water.
  • Observers marveled at the precise and synchronized flight of a regiment of flamingos.
  • The documentary captured the orderly migration of a regiment of flamingos across the salt flats.

5. A Flock of Flamingos

Explanation: Flock is a general term for a group of birds, commonly used to describe flamingos when they are seen together.


  • A flock of flamingos flew overhead, their pink wings glowing in the sunlight.
  • The wetland area was home to a large flock of flamingos, attracting birdwatchers from around the world.
  • A flock of flamingos gathered at the water’s edge, feeding on small crustaceans.


The collective nouns for flamingos such as flamboyance, stand, colony, regiment and flock each offer a unique perspective on the beauty and behavior of these captivating birds. Whether they are resting, nesting or flying flamingos create unforgettable sights that are as colorful as the words we use to describe them. Next time you encounter a group of these magnificent birds you will know exactly what to call them.

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