Coastal Clusters: Collective Noun for Seafowl

Welcome to the fascinating world of seafowl! These birds, often found along coastlines and open seas, are a diverse group with unique behaviors and appearances. But do you know what we call a group of seafowl Let’s explore the collective nouns used for seafowl and dive into some fun examples to help you remember them.

Collective Noun for Seafowl

Collective Noun
A Flock of Seafowl
A Colony of Seafowl
A Raft of Seafowl
A Gaggle of Seafowl
A Squadron of Seafowl

1. A Flock of Seafowl

Explanation: The term “flock” is a general term used for a group of birds, including seafowl. It emphasizes their collective behavior and movement.


  1. We watched as a flock of seafowl took off from the shoreline, their wings beating in unison.
  2. A flock of seafowl circled above the fishing boat, hoping to catch some scraps.
  3. The sky was filled with the sounds of a flock of seafowl calling to each other as they flew towards the horizon.

2. A Colony of Seafowl

Explanation: “Colony” refers to a large group of seafowl that nest and live together, often on islands or cliffs. It highlights their communal nesting habits.


  1. The rocky island was home to a colony of seafowl, each nest precariously perched on the cliffs.
  2. We visited a colony of seafowl during the breeding season and were amazed by the sheer number of birds.
  3. Conservationists work to protect the habitats of colonies of seafowl, ensuring they have safe places to nest.

3. A Raft of Seafowl

Explanation: “Raft” is used when seafowl are seen floating together on the water, emphasizing their close proximity and group behavior on the water’s surface.


  1. We spotted a raft of seafowl bobbing on the waves, each bird drifting peacefully with the current.
  2. A raft of seafowl gathered in the bay, creating a lively scene as they preened and swam.
  3. The fisherman navigated carefully around a raft of seafowl to avoid disturbing them.

4. A Gaggle of Seafowl

Explanation: “Gaggle” is typically used for geese but can also apply to other seafowl when they are on the ground or water, emphasizing their noisy and social nature.


  1. A gaggle of seafowl gathered on the beach, their calls creating a cacophony of sound.
  2. We approached a gaggle of seafowl resting on the shore, their heads turning in unison to watch us.
  3. The children enjoyed feeding the gaggle of seafowl, their laughter mixing with the birds’ chatter.

5. A Squadron of Seafowl

Explanation: “Squadron” is a term used to describe a group of seafowl in flight, emphasizing their organized and often coordinated movements.


  1. A squadron of seafowl flew in a V-formation across the sea, their flight path precise and purposeful.
  2. We watched in awe as a squadron of seafowl soared above the cliffs, riding the wind currents.
  3. The early morning sky was filled with the sight of a squadron of seafowl heading out to sea.


Seafowl are captivating birds that bring life and movement to coastal and marine environments. Knowing the collective nouns like a flock, a colony, a raft, a gaggle, and a squadron of seafowl helps us describe these birds in their various group settings. Next time you see seafowl, use these terms to talk about their impressive gatherings.

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