Clucking Groups: Collective Noun for Hens

Welcome to the bustling world of hens! These lively and hardworking birds are an essential part of many farms and backyards. But do you know what we call a group of hens? Let’s explore the collective nouns used for hens and dive into some fun examples to help you remember them.

Collective Noun for Hens

Collective Noun
A Brood of Hens
A Flock of Hens
A Clutch of Hens
A Peep of Hens
A Chattering of Hens

1. A Brood of Hens

Explanation: The term “brood” specifically refers to a group of young chicks hatched at the same time and their mother hen. It highlights the nurturing aspect of hens.


  1. The mother hen clucked softly as she led her brood of hens across the yard, teaching them to peck at the ground.
  2. We watched as a brood of hens huddled under their mother’s wings, seeking warmth and protection.
  3. In the spring, a new brood of hens emerged from the coop, following their mother closely.

2. A Flock of Hens

Explanation: “Flock” is a general term used for a group of birds, including hens. It emphasizes their collective behavior and movement.


  1. A flock of hens gathered around the feeder, eagerly pecking at the grains scattered on the ground.
  2. We could hear the clucking of a flock of hens as they moved through the barnyard, searching for insects.
  3. The farmer opened the coop, and a flock of hens spilled out, eager to explore the pasture.

3. A Clutch of Hens

Explanation: “Clutch” refers to a group of eggs laid by a hen at one time, but it can also be used to describe a group of hens, especially when they are nesting.


  1. We found a clutch of hens nestled in the straw, each one laying an egg in her nest.
  2. The children carefully collected the eggs from a clutch of hens, ensuring not to disturb them.
  3. A clutch of hens sat contentedly in the nesting boxes, their soft clucking filling the air.

4. A Peep of Hens

Explanation: “Peep” is a cute and whimsical term that highlights the soft, high-pitched sounds that hens and their chicks make.


  1. We smiled at the gentle peeping from a peep of hens as they roamed the yard.
  2. The peep of hens grew louder as the sun set, signaling it was time to return to the coop.
  3. Early in the morning, a peep of hens could be heard greeting the new day with their cheerful sounds.

5. A Chattering of Hens

Explanation: “Chattering” refers to the constant, lively noise that a group of hens makes, emphasizing their vocal nature.


  1. The barn was filled with the lively chattering of hens as they socialized and foraged together.
  2. We laughed at the noisy chattering of hens in the pen, each one seemingly trying to outdo the other.
  3. As we approached, the chattering of hens became more pronounced, a symphony of clucks and cackles.


Hens are lively and sociable birds that bring energy and productivity to any farm or backyard. Knowing the collective nouns like a brood, a flock, a clutch, a peep, and a chattering of hens helps us describe these delightful birds in their various group settings. Next time you see hens, use these terms to talk about their bustling gatherings!

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