Mysteries of Moles: Understanding Collective Noun for Moles

Moles are small, burrowing mammals known for their underground lifestyle and ability to dig tunnels efficiently. Though they are rarely seen above ground, moles are fascinating creatures with a set of unique collective nouns. Let us delve into the various terms used to describe groups of moles.

Collective Noun for Moles

Collective Noun
A Labor of Moles
A Company of Moles
A Movement of Moles
A Fortress of Moles
A Gaze of Moles

1. A Labor of Moles

The term labor reflects the hardworking nature of moles, as they are constantly digging and constructing tunnels.

  • Example 1: A labor of moles created a network of tunnels beneath the garden.
  • Example 2: The farmer noticed a labor of moles had made their home in the field.
  • Example 3: A labor of moles can move a surprising amount of soil in a single night.

2. A Company of Moles

Company emphasizes the social aspect of moles, suggesting they can live or work together in groups.

  • Example 1: A company of moles was found living under the old oak tree.
  • Example 2: The children were excited to learn that a company of moles shared their backyard.
  • Example 3: A company of moles can often be detected by the small mounds of earth they leave behind.

3. A Movement of Moles

The word movement captures the dynamic and secretive nature of moles, as they are constantly on the move underground.

  • Example 1: A movement of moles could be heard rustling beneath the ground during the quiet night.
  • Example 2: The gardener spotted a movement of moles’ work, evident in the freshly turned soil.
  • Example 3: A movement of moles can help aerate the soil, benefiting the garden above.

4. A Fortress of Moles

Fortress denotes the strong, well-constructed burrows and tunnels that moles build to live and protect themselves.

  • Example 1: A fortress of moles had established an intricate burrow system in the meadow.
  • Example 2: The mole’s fortress-like burrows provide them safety from predators.
  • Example 3: A fortress of moles can be quite impressive, with many chambers and passageways.

5. A Gaze of Moles

Although moles have poor eyesight, the term gaze humorously refers to the idea of them being a collective group.

  • Example 1: A gaze of moles, despite their limited vision, navigated their tunnels expertly.
  • Example 2: Even though they live mostly underground, a gaze of moles contributes significantly to the ecosystem.
  • Example 3: A gaze of moles might be hard to spot, but the signs of their presence are unmistakable.


Moles, with their secretive underground lifestyle, are often out of sight but play a crucial role in their ecosystems. The collective nouns for moles, such as a labor, company, movement, fortress, and gaze, each highlight different aspects of these fascinating creatures. Whether focusing on their hard work, social behavior or remarkable burrow-building skills these terms help us appreciate the complexity and uniqueness of moles. Next time you spot signs of moles you will know the perfect word to describe the group.

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