About Us

Welcome to collectivenouns.in, your ultimate online resource for collective nouns in English. Our mission is to provide the largest and most comprehensive dictionary of collective nouns on the web to enhance your vocabulary and writing skills.

We have meticulously researched and compiled hundreds of commonly used collective nouns to describe groups of people, animals, things, and activities. Whether you need the perfect word for a flock of birds or a panel of experts, we’ve got you covered.

collectivenouns.in is a free site created by language enthusiasts for learners at all levels. We aim to make our collection of collective nouns useful, enjoyable, and to foster a deeper appreciation for the English language.

We welcome submissions of new collective nouns to potentially add to our site. If you know a unique and interesting word to describe a group that we don’t already have listed, please reach out on our contact page.

This website and all its content are subject to copyright and are not to be copied, reused, modified, or used commercially in any way without permission. If you are interested in usage rights, please contact us.

Thank you for visiting collectivenouns.in. Feel free to browse our noun collection and contact us if you have any questions!